Insider Baseball: Your Essential Video Glossary
Have you ever been in a meeting and someone drops a word or acronym and you have no clue what they mean? We’re sometimes guilty of that–forgetting that not everyone spends all of their time talking about video. So we thought it would be helpful to put together a little cheat sheet of the common words, files types, and editing styles that we frequently use. Many of these you may already know, but you might find a few you didn't.
Motion Matters on LinkedIn: 5 Key Reasons Why It's Worth It
LinkedIn's algorithm was designed to prioritize video content in users' feeds. It favors posts with higher engagement rates and looping animations encourage users to interact.
A Quick Guide to the 4 Videos Your B2B SaaS Company Needs
If you're in B2B SaaS and aren’t using video as a marketing tool, I hate to say it, but you’re missing out. Video is essential, and when you look at the data, it's not hard to see why.